Welcome to my blog world. My name is Christina aka wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, business owner, entrepreneur, thinker, a newly found love to blog, the list goes on! Most importantly I am a child of GOD.
I always wondered why bloggers enjoyed doing this so much. Well, I don’t know why they chose too but I know why I decided to become a blogger. Let me share a bit…
During the pandemic (2020) this wonderful idea popped into my thoughts, “Christina, you should be a business owner”. The idea sounded fun but also VERY scary. I started to follow new and seasoned entrepreneurs. I started to take notes and learn a ton of information from daily posts. I began to think of different businesses I could do, the first idea was to open up a cafe the second was to start an online tutoring business. Business names started to pop up and one stood out to me the most. I ran with, “I am going to start an online tutoring business”. That’s exactly what I did! Fast forward, my tutoring business has been running for an entire 5-months and I am pleased to say so many things have transpired since. One of those things is, guess? CORRECT. I found this new love to BLOG (thanks to my coach). I realized that I have so much to say and blogging would be the perfect start to letting it all out.
So here I am. Get ready for conversations to keep on rolling…