My name is Christina Munoz and I am the founder of All Seasons Tutoring.

Let me get right to the meat.

I vividly remember a time when I was beyond overwhelmed with my child’s homework and constant text messages from her teachers stating she needed additional practice in either math, reading or writing.

I was overwhelmed because she was struggling to understand how and why she was arriving to either a math strategy, a reading comprehension question or deciding on a writing topic.

Keep in mind, at the time I was a full time elementary school teacher, as you can imagine a full time mom in addition to all the other responsibilities with having a family. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a one to one tutoring service that would be able to meet my daughter’s specific needs. Of course I would be able to make a ton of time to teach the skill BUT I truly did not have the time. What ended up happening was…her frustration kicked in because now I wanted to be a “Super mom” to just get the job done not realizing it was becoming too overwhelming for my daughter.

I will stop my testimony right here because as caregivers we tend to feel the need to burn out every fire not realizing we are burning our-self out as well as our own child. AST was founded to be able to take the heaviness off your shoulder to ensure your child’s learning need is being met in a developmentally appropriate approach.

Trust me I had you in mind the entire time. No need to feel, “I am not a good caregiver, I am supposed to know how to help my child” Instead say, “I am thankful for AST, now my child and I will no longer feel stressed when we hear the word homework”.

I took on the stress for you already when I actually went through it. Save yourself a testimony and look no further AST is here to rescue you.

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