Make it FUN

Learning does not always have to come with a manual of RULES. As an adult myself, I enjoy learning in a fun way. Imagine how a child feels, when they buy a toy, their eyes light up with so much joy. This is exactly how a child should feel when learning at school or at home. Anything and literally anything we learn can be done in a fun way.

It truly breaks my heart when I see a child uninterested in learning. We must always keep in mind that our K-12 students will one day grow up. If we limit them from having fun while learning then what do you think will happen when they become adults? They will struggle to embrace learning and possibly settle for opportunities that are not meeting their full potential.

It starts from home and then carries over to school. Home should be a place filled with opportunities to grow as a learner, to discover new things, to have time to think, to be all that you were created to be. The adult in the home is GUIDANCE not a BURDEN!

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