Writing is Essential

Being a classroom teacher for over 10 years made me realize the importance of establishing writing skills from the moment a child is able to pick up a writing tool to scribble.

Oftentimes during parent teacher conferences parents would tell me, “It’s all scribble scrabble”, yes! This is the point, a child learns that a writing tool does something. Keep in mind there is a FOUNDATION to everything we learn, we just don’t master something on our first try. I would cringe when kids tore up their writing or drawing because, “It meant nothing to them” or because they knew their loved ones wouldn’t “like it”. From this day on PLEASE understand that writing is essential and in order for kids to want to write as they become older we must first teach them the value in it from a young age.

Writing has helped me overcome many of my darkest days. We can’t always express ourselves to someone and writing allows us to let it out immediately (a point to discuss with kids).

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