Christina Munoz

Back to School

Back to School

Thinking back to when I was a child, back-to-school was one of my favorite times of the year. I truly enjoyed going back to school shopping, meeting my teacher and seeing all my friends. There was something about waking up on the first day, putting on my NEW clothes, sneakers and wondering what will be […]



Did you dread math as a child? I know I did. Numbers 🔢, formulas, chartsđź“Š anything math related I would shut down. Math and I had a negative relationship. As an adult I wish I would be able to say the opposite, I wish I was able to say how much I enjoyed math and […]

Summer Break

Summer Break

As parents many of us know that summer break is one of our favorite times of the year. Why? The rush of getting the kids up in the morning, making breakfast, packing lunch, attending school activities BUT especially the days of homework calm down for about 2 whole months. This is what I want to […]



We are not living in a bubble. We see that almost everything nowadays can be done with technology. It’s the way of the world right now. Isn’t it funny that we try to keep our kids off their devices and now they use their own laptops all day at school? We now must begin to […]

Make it FUN

Make it FUN

Learning does not always have to come with a manual of RULES. As an adult myself, I enjoy learning in a fun way. Imagine how a child feels, when they buy a toy, their eyes light up with so much joy. This is exactly how a child should feel when learning at school or at […]

Building a Healthy Homework Relationship with Your Child

Building a Healthy Homework Relationship with Your Child

Tell me the truth. When homework time comes around your entire mood changes? I know what this feels like. Throughout the years I’ve learned to allow my children to find their homework style and remembering that they will not always arrive at the correct answer on the first try. What do I mean by homework […]

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